Student Guide

Psychologist's and Spiritual Consultations

Psychologist's consultations

Free psychologist’s consultations for Klaipeda University students:

Ramunė Burkauskienė
Counselling Psychologist
Phone: +370 46 39 86 29
84 Herkaus Manto Street, Faculty of Health Sciences
Room 220 

Consultation hours:
Tuesday: 8.00–16.30
Wednesday: 12.30–16.30
Friday: 8.00–16.30

In order to register for a consultancy session, send an e-mail to
We will offer you the closest date and time for the session.

Spiritual consultations

There are also the consultations of spiritual and pastoral care which are conducted by the chaplain in academic pastoral care, priest dr. Andrius Vaitkevičius.

Consultation hours:
Tuesday 12.00-14.00
Thursday 12.00-14.00

Psychological and spiritual-pastoral care consultations are conducted at 84 Herkaus Manto Street, Senate Building, Room 106 (the entrance is next to the University Book Store).
Phone: +370 46 39 86 33

Useful links

  • Emotional support hotline:
    If you’re struggling right now, call Jaunimo linija. A volunteer is waiting for your call 24/7, 365 days a year.
  • Red Cross:
    The Lithuanian Red Cross is a state aid in the humanitarian field, the purpose of which is to protect people's lives and dignity, alleviate human suffering and provide assistance to people in distress in Lithuania and beyond.
  • Psychiatric and other health services:
    To provide quality and affordable primary mental health care services in the city of Klaipėda.