Assessment of colleges activity quality: the Bologna process dimensions
Juknytė-Petreikienė, Inga | Socialinių mokslų kolegija | LT |
LT |
Date Issued | Issue | Start Page | End Page |
2005-06-24 | Nr. 3 (43) | 22 | 28 |
The goal of the article – to analyse and accentuate international declarations and conventions aimed at non-university studies and their fluctuation, colleges’ evaluation sectors, criteria and indicators that are used for the realisation of the tasks of the Bologna process; evaluate subjective and objective obstacles that hinder international agreements from introducing them into colleges’ activity. The subject of the research – the expression of the Bologna process dimensions in the requirements for quality of the activity. Such objectives of the Bologna process as comparability and recognition of qualifications and degrees, establishment of the ECTS system, promotion of international mobility, the concept of lifelong learning, promotion of European dimension in higher education and strengthening of the attraction and competitiveness of the common European higher education area are topical to the activities of colleges. Most of international documents of the Bologna process unexceptionally emphasize the importance of quality while aiming at the implementation of the main objectives of the Bologna process, tasks for aiming at objectives and means directed to tasks. Neither of the main objectives of Bologna – international competitiveness, mobility and employability - is possible to be reached without the reliable system of quality assurance on an institutional, national and international scale. The initiated demand of the Bologna process for developing collectively adopted the criteria and methods of quality assurance in the whole Europe makes the match of procedures of national external quality assessment and assurance between the demands of Bologna a central object in this process, i.e. between European compatibility and transparency, that will make the access to the European labour market easier for students and promote the attraction and competitiveness of European higher education together with collectively adopted systems of quality assurance.
Visame pasaulyje spart jant integracijos procesams, globalizacijai, vystantis žiniu ekonomikai, auga mokslo ir studiju internacionalizavimo bei studiju kokyb s poreikis, kinta aukštuju mokyklu veiklos charakteristikos. Lietuvai isitraukus i bendra Europos studiju ir mokslo erdve, aktualu analizuoti jos aukštuju mokyklu pasirengima tapti lygiaverciais, patraukliais ir konkurencingais bendrosios Europos aukštojo mokslo erdv s partneriais, kur vienu iš prioritetiniu uždaviniu tampa studiju kokyb s užtikrinimas. Šie procesai nepalieka nuošalyje ir naujosios Lietuvos dvinar s aukštojo mokslo sistemos grandies – kolegiju, kuriu tikslas vykdyti neuniversitetin s aukštasias studijas – i praktine veikla orientuotas profesines studijas, sudarancias salygas igyti taikomaisiais moksliniais tyrimais ir (ar) taikomaja moksline veikla grindžiama profesine kvalifikacija. Atsižvelgiant i Bolonijos proceso tiksla – sukurti bendra Europos aukštojo mokslo erdve, prasminga analizuoti ir vertinti, kiek Lietuvos studiju kokyb s vertinimo institucijos rekomenduoja ir reikalauja, kad kolegijos vykdytu tarptautini mobiluma, diegtu europine dimensija studijose, mokymasi visa gyvenima bei rengtu ir igyvendintu strategijas savo patrauklumui ir konkurencingumui didinti. [...]