Etnopolitika ir ją sąlygojantys veiksniai
Date Issued | Volume | Issue | Start Page | End Page |
2008-03-26 | t. 19 | Nr. 2 | 1 | 8 |
Straipsnyje aptariamas ypač aktualus ir pas mus retai nagrinėjamas fenomenas – etnopolitika. Tuo tarpu mūsų artimiausi kaimynai vykdomai etnopolitikai skiria labai daug reikšmės ir mokslinių studijų. Ši tema pasidarė aktuali Lietuvai įstojus į ES ir euroatlantines organizacijas. Esame nedidelė tauta, tad mums svarbu atlaikyti ir įveikti globalizacijos iššūkius.
Nowadays in our modern life ethnic policy has become very urgent. Various worldwide processes and relationships are global. Integration into the EU influences ethnic policy. As a result, each country tries to save its ethnic identity and traditions. Ethnic policy could not be separated from the nation. But we have to find the differences between ethnic policy and ethnic politics, which is better known as a state’s politics towards ethnic groups in its territory. Ethnic policy is an interaction of ethnic groups in a political system. Nation, its state is an entity as well. It is a very complicated, social entity. The state, which prosecutes a proper ethnic policy and rejects the interests of the nation, fosters its community’s relationships. Moreover, it serves man, supports his personality and expands his creative works.