Turizmo plėtros valdymas regione
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LT | Telšių apskrities turizmo informacijos centras | LT |
Date Issued | Issue | Start Page | End Page |
2008-06-10 | Nr. 13 (2) | 224 | 232 |
Lietuvos Respublikoje verslo ir visuomeninės organizacijos vis didesnį dėmesį skiria tarptautinio turizmo produkto prekybai. Lietuvoje atsižvelgiama Į turizmo reikšmę ekonomikos augimui, dabartiniu metu turizmui skiriamas prioritetinis dėmesys. Lietuvos turizmo sektorius turi galimybes augti, nes LR turi didelį kultūros paveldą ir patrauklią gamtinę aplinką. Kai kurie Lietuvos regionai, pasinaudodami turizmo teikiamomis galimybėmis, galėtų gauti nemažai pajamų ir sukurti ilgalaikių darbo vietų.
The management of the tourism development in Lithuania and Telsiai Region is being analysed in the article. In the Republic of Lithuania business and public organisations are paying more and more attention to the sales of the international tourism product. In Lithuania the significance of tourism to the growth of economy is taken into account and at present it receives top priority. The Lithuanian tourism sector enjoys growth opportunities as Lithuania is in possession of enormous cultural heritage and attractive natural surroundings. Some Lithuanian regions could receive considerable income and create long-term jobs if they make good use of the opportunities provided by tourism. Tourism is one of the most popular businesses in the world and its development is closely connected with the impact on economy, socio-cultural environment and nature. The investment into the services with public tourism infrastructure is the basis of tourism development. It allows creating the centres of tourist attractions. The article gives the description of the following things which were carried out: the theoretical analysis of tourism management, the analysis of possible trends in the development of regional tourism. In the article one will also find the statistical data and the conclusions of tourist-visitor streams in Telsiai Region.