Mokytojų darbe patiriamas stresas ir jo sąsajos su sveikata
Klaipėdos universitetinė ligoninė |
Date Issued |
2010 |
Stress at working environment is the second most common (after back pain) work-related health problem in the European Union. The most of occupations are related with stress at work, and teachers are not exception. The survey on stress in the teachers’ working environment and its associations with health was accomplished in 3 cities in Lithuania. There were investigated 318 teachers, who work at upper grades at school (with schoolchildren aged 15 to 19 years). Chisquare test was used, the significance level p≤0.05 was considered statistically significant. The study revealed that the majority of investigated teachers suffer stress at work (feel tiredness, nervousness, have sleeping problems, feel tension at work. Women insignificantly suffer stress more often compared with men. The 34% teachers assess their health condition as middle, 21% - bad, 24 % - good. Teachers, who complain of their bad health condition, statistically significantly often or always suffer from stress at work. The 59% teachers think as their health condition remain much the same during last 12 months, but 25 % teachers think their health condition now is worse. The study revealed that teachers most often have cardiovascular, neurological, and gastroenterological diseases. There are significant associations between cardiovascular diseases, neurological diseases and stress at work. In addition, there are significant associations between smoking, alcohol abuse and stress at work.