Моделювання рівня поширеності недоїдання в регіонах та їх продовольча безпека
Author(s) | |
Білецька, Іванна І. | ДВНЗ «КНЕУ імені Вадима Гетьмана» |
Date Issued |
2019 |
During the last century, among the threats, challenges and problems facing humanity, the importance of that, which solution centers around the system of economic interests of the world community as a whole, requires the harmonization of various aspects of human life across the globe. The cornerstone of such problems is the inability of the global economic system to achieve high levels of food security in all, including poor countries. Regarding the latter, there is still a chronic lack of safe and useful products needed to meet the nutritional needs of the population, which make for an active and healthy lifestyle. The article is aimed to determine the impact of individual factors on the prevalence of malnutrition and the modeling of malnutrition in individual regions and in the world as a whole. The article deals with the place of food problem among the global problems of humanity. The concept of food security is defined and delineated with the concept of food security. The multilevel hierarchical structure of the food problem, consisting of global, interstate, national, local (regional), social groups and family levels, is analyzed. Approaches to the classification of food security levels are investigated and summarized at the critical, minimum, sufficient, optimal, and excess levels. The basic parameters for assessing the food security and security of a country or region, the most commonly used are the Global Food Security Index and the prevalence of malnutrition. Regression models of GDP per capita impact and food production index on prevalence of malnutrition in East Asia and Pacific, Europe and Central Asia, Latin America and Caribbean, Middle East and North Africa, South Asia, Africa and South Africa, South Africa the world at all. Based on the models, a quantitative prediction of the prevalence of malnutrition in the regions by 2021 has been developed, and it is established that in all regions and the world, malnutrition is expected to decline gradually.