Darbuotojų darbo motyvacijos ir pasitenkinimo darbu sąsajos
Date Issued | Issue | Start Page | End Page |
2012-04-11 | no. 1 (6) | 161 | 170 |
Straipsnyje aptariama darbuotojų motyvavimo ir pasitenkinimo darbu samprata, reikšmė, teoriniai aspektai. Straipsnyje siekiama atskleisti, kaip motyvacija ir pasitenkinimas darbu susiję. Keliama teorinė prielaida, kad darbo motyvacijos lygis ir darbuotojų pasitenkinimas savo darbu yra tiesiogiai susiję. Ši prielaida patvirtinama tyrimu. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad siekiant organizacijoje sukurti vieningą motyvacijos ir pasitenkinimo darbu sistemą, reikėtų atlikti papildomus kokybinius tyrimus, kurie atskleistų, kokie motyvuojantys veiksniai didina Lietuvos organizacijų darbuotojų pasitenkinimą darbu.
The task set was to research and find out information about work motivation and job satisfaction relationships. Achievement of the objectives was formulated as follows: to examine workers' motivation and job satisfaction of theoretical aspects of a motivation and job satisfaction in selected organizations, to establish a link between them, compared to male and females groups based on motivation and job satisfaction levels and a comparison of work motivation and job satisfaction levels, depending on service status, seniority and education. Themes and challenges in the disclosure have set itself five hypotheses: the higher job satisfaction rates, the greater the motivation to work, the rank and file workers -- lower; greater length of service personnel with a higher job satisfaction, and shorter working -- a higher motivation level. PE Spector used in the study of job satisfaction scale, motivation at work test and demographic questionnaire. The choice of building materials stores in the region of Klaipėda: personnel, managers and subordinates. Interviewed total of 105, out of which 57 were female and 48 male, ages between 31-40 years old, 24.8% of respondents had up to 5 years work experience, 21.0% of the respondents were people who had 6-10 years work experience. Most of the interviewed were people with higher education. The larger percentage were subordinate workers (58.1%), the remaining (41.9%) were higher position workers such as managers directors. During this task an analysis of employees motivation, the significance of the organization, disclosed the essential aspects of the theory of motivation, the diversity of measures of reasoning, an introduction to the concept of job satisfaction, job satisfaction analysis of determinants and consequences. After the motivation and job satisfaction survey, the following were revealed concerning the motivation and job satisfaction and access to defy or partially confirmed the hypothesis raised by the work is as follows: a comparison of work motivation and job satisfaction levels, depending on the status, work experience, showed that the group is not the major factors of job motivation and job satisfaction.