Kaltės ir gėdos abdukcija lietuviškame mentalitete: kenozio mitemos recepcija
Date Issued |
2007 |
The subject of the article is relations between Western guilt culture and Eastern shame culture as it is expressed in the Lithuanian traditional and modern mentality. The research revealed the process of transformation of the traditional shame conception as a moral regulator of the individual and community behaviour for the gaining of oneness between Nature and Society. The article presents the evolution from the Lithuanian pagan moral images to the specific Torment culture as a response on the social and cultural trauma (Christian faith, Polonization, Russification, Soviet occupation etc.) in the history of Lithuanian people. This phenomenon is revealed by kenosis mythema as a peculiar model of individual and community behaviour in the traumatic situations. It is manifested in the specific forms of pain, misery and distress in the Lithuanian folk culture and in the historical crises situations. The results of our research allow making a generalized conclusion: modernization of Lithuania and its integration in the EU are the main conditions for the triumph over the historical trauma and destructive kenotical tendencies in the modern Lithuanian world-view.