Unemployment regulation policy analysis in Lithuania
Date Issued |
2009 |
Nowadays many countries encounter various economic problems. One of the problems can be growing budget expenditures, such as various transfer payments for social groups, that empty state’s budget. Another great economic problem is unemployment, which hits state economy by reduction of tax income, shrinking GDP and eventually by necessity to spend money for unemployment regulation. Both active and passive unemployment regulation policy measures are responsible for extra expenses from budget. There is a big need to review the existing policy by reflecting on the recent state experience. There is made a study of various authors’ articles that cover unemployment regulation and unemployment benefits and also a study of unemployment figures and expenditures of Republic of Lithuania on unemployment benefits and also active unemployment measures during the period from 2004 to 2008.
Šiuo metu šalys susiduria su įvairiausiomis ekonominėmis problemomis. Lietuvoje viena problemų – valstybės biudžeto deficitas ir poreikis mažinti biudžeto išlaidas. Kitą šalies ekonominę problemą galima įvardyti nuolat augantį nedarbo lygį šalyje. Pastarasis rodiklis pradėjo augti tik 2008 m. viduryje. Nedarbo lygio augimas atneša bedarbiams nuostolius dėl pajamų praradimo, kuriuos valstybė stengiasi sušvelninti bedarbio pašalpomis, o šaliai – makroekonominius nuostolius, kurie mažina bendrąjį vidaus produktą ir pajamas į valstybės biudžetą.