Lietuvos regioninių parkų lankytojų elgsenos reguliavimas
Date Issued |
2015 |
The regulation of behavior of Lithuanian regional parks visitors is analyzed in the article. Relevance of research, submitted problem, exploratory question, elevated objective, tasks, object of research, methodology of research and methods of research used are justified in the introduction. The system of Lithuanian regional parks and characteristics of their visitors are revealed using theoretical aspect in the first part of the article. In the second part, on the basis of target analysis of the literature, regulatory ways and measures of visitors’ behavior are identified. In the third part of the article, on the basis of identified criteria of regulatory ways and measures of visitors’ behavior, their application optimality in Lithuanian regional parks is studied. The analysis of websites reveals what information about regulatory ways and measures of visitors’ behavior is presented by regional parks in their websites. The results of questionnaire survey, which aims to identify visitors’ behavioral approach to regulatory measures in the regional parks, are analyzed. The article ends with a conclusion: regional parks are established for these purposes: to preserve, to conserve, to restore and to develop recreation. The interests of conservation and recreational use inevitably overlap and intersect in regional parks, due to landscape and biodiversity importance, asymmetry of natural and cultural heritage distribution, the value of natural resources and human activities. In order to align the interests of protection and use, the regulatory ways and measures of visitors’ behavior must be invoked. The person, visiting national park, must follow certain rules of behavior, which may be seen as a norm, the maxim of behavior or instruction to act and behave in a certain way. Summarizing the results of the research, it can be stated that regulatory techniques and measures of visitors’ behavior are not effectively appliedin all Lithuanian regional parks.