Katalikiškojo ugdymo inovacijos Klaipėdos universitete
Date Issued |
2002 |
Per pastarąjį dešimtmetį pastebimai atgijo katalikybė įvairiose Lietuvos institucijose. Mokyklų programose atsiradusi tikybos pamoka (1991) "sukėlė ant kojų" mokinius, mokytojus, tėvus, kunigus, profesorius. Atsiliepiant į tikybos mokytojų stygių, KU Pedagogikos fakultete, kaip ir kitose aukštosiose mokyklose, pradėti rengti specialistai-katechetai bakalaurai ir magistrai. Šiame straipsnyje ir bus aptariami pirmieji religinio ugdymo sunkumai, inovacijos, perspektyvos pasaulietiniame Klaipėdos universitete.
During the last decade, programs of religious studies have proliferated in public universities. Religious studies utilizes the methodologies of the social sciences and the humanities to study religion objectively in accord with the best scholary standards. It instructs students in the humanistic and religious heritage of Western civilization and in the religions and cultures of Eastern civilizations. Religious teachers of the reformed school have to be able to integrate both teoretical and methodological knowledge and practical skills and to convey them to students in an acceptable manner.This article discusses the education of the catechists at the Pedagogical faculty KU. It gives special emphasis to the Christian ideas which inspired this education, and innovations.