Kleboniškių pylimas ir griovys
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Ostašenkovienė, Virginija | LT | |
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Date Issued | Start Page | End Page |
2023 | 570 | 571 |
In 2022, at the request of the DKIM, a 16 m 2 trench was excavated at the Kleboniškiai berm and ditch (Radviliškis District, Central Lithuania). This object with no clear purpose, which would seem to have always existed in the forest, is intersected by an early 20th -century melioration ditch. It consists of a 0.5 m high, 3.3 m wide berm and to its S–E, a 1.5–1.9 m wide, 0.5 m deep ditch (Fig. 1). The surviving berm and ditch have a total length of 417 m. The investigation showed that the object had been created on one occasion by using the soil removed from the V-shaped ditch to form the berm. The charcoal samples date it to the late 8th –9th centuries. It is not connected with the creation of any fortifications. The investigation yielded no finds and so the object’s purpose and creation date remain unclear (19 th century?).