Suaugusiųjų mokymosi motyvaciją skatinantys veiksniai ir priemonės pozityviosios tėvystės mokymuose
Vaitkienė, Laura | Klaipėdos lopšelis-darželis „Giliukas“ | LT |
LT |
Date Issued | Volume | Start Page | End Page |
2020 | t. 5 | 139 | 149 |
Suvokiant, jog suaugusiųjų mokymosi motyvacija didele dalimi priklauso nuo jų asmeninio nusiteikimo bei apsisprendimo mokytis, taip pat nuo motyvavimo mokytis, kaip išorinio besimokančiojo mokymosi veiklos skatinimo, sėkmė priklauso ir nuo andragogo profesionalumo. Kadangi suaugusiųjų mokymosi motyvacija yra sudėtingas reiškinys, kuris mokymosi procese gali kisti, į sėkmę orientuotas suaugusiųjų mokymasis bei ilgalaikės mokymosi motyvacijos išlaikymas andragogui tampa tikru iššūkiu. Todėl straipsnyje analizuojama, kokie veiksniai motyvuoja suaugusiuosius mokytis ir kokias efektyvias priemones andragogas turi taikyti, siekdamas motyvuoti besimokančiuosius pozityviosios tėvystės mokymų grupėse mokytis ir taip palaikyti jų teigiamą mokymosi motyvaciją viso mokymosi proceso metu. Kadangi tyrimų apie suaugusiųjų mokymosi motyvaciją skatinančius veiksnius ir priemones, kurie padėtų pozityviosios tėvystės mokymus vedantiems specialistams (andragogams) efektyviai stiprinti tėvų mokymosi motyvaciją, itin pasigendama. Šiame straipsnyje siekiama atskleisti, kaip užtikrinti sklandų suaugusiųjų mokymosi procesą bei tinkamai juos motyvuoti, išlaikant mokymosi motyvaciją bei užtikrinant teigiamą jos kaitą. Todėl tyrimo objektu pasirinkti tėvų mokymosi motyvaciją skatinantys veiksniai ir priemonės. Atlikto kokybinio tyrimo aktualumą atskleidžia autorių siekis parodyti, kad suaugusiųjų mokymosi motyvaciją lemiančių veiksnių ir priemonių išmanymas gali būti praktiškai naudingas andragogui motyvuojant mokytis tėvus pozityviosios tėvystės mokymų grupėse. Praktiniu požiūriu gauti tyrimo duomenys bei siūlymai gali būti reikšmingi siekiant efektyviai motyvuoti tėvus, išlaikant ir stiprinant jų mokymosi motyvaciją viso mokymosi proceso metu. Tyrimo rezultatais nustatyta, jog suaugusiųjų mokymosi motyvacija turi būti grindžiama jos palaikymu ir stiprinimu visų pozityviosios tėvystės mokymų metu, o jos teigiama kaita priklauso nuo andragogo taikomų motyvavimo mokytis priemonių efektyvumo bei suaugusiujų mokymosi motyvacijos veiksnių išmanymo.
Realizing that the motivation of adult learning largely depends on their personal attitude and determination to learn, as well as on the motivation to learn as an external learner's learning activity, success also depends on the professionalism of the andragogue. Because adult learning motivation is a complex phenomenon that can change over the course of learning, success-oriented adult learning and maintaining long-term learning motivation become a real challenge for the andragogue. Therefore, the article analyzes what factors motivate adults to learn and what effective measures an andragogue must apply to motivate learners in positive parenting training groups to learn and thus maintain their positive learning motivation throughout the learning process. The aim of this article is to reveal how to ensure a smooth process of adult learning and to motivate them properly, maintaining learning motivation and ensuring its positive change. Therefore, the factors and measures promoting the motivation of parents to learn were chosen as the object of research. The study involved 6 persons with more than 2 years of experience in conducting positive parenting training, all persons with higher education, all psychologists leading positive parenting training in different Lithuanian cities: Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipeda. The study found that the factors and measures that motivate participants in positive parenting training to learn coincide with the factors and measures that promote adult learning motivation identified in the analysis of scientific sources, but the knowledge of positive parenting training group specialists about the variety of applicable parenting motivation learning methods is limited. The study found that the motivation of many parents to learn is based on maintaining and strengthening it during all positive parenting trainings, responding to their essential needs to solve problems with parenting, exchange and acquire new behavioral and communication skills, strengthen self-confidence and self-confidence in parenting. Meanwhile, in the course of training, the person conducting the training and the attitude of the training participant themselves are of great importance for the change of parents' learning motivation. It was established that a specialist conducting positive parenting training, in order to achieve a positive change in parents' learning motivation, must be able to create a favorable learning environment, promoting interaction between group participants, as well as choosing appropriate learning methods and tools. Based on the analysis of the research results and conclusions, the following suggestions are presented to the specialist conducting positive parenting training: • During the first (1-2) sessions, to find out the factors that motivate the participants to learn. • After assessing possible obstacles to parents' motivation to learn: lack of time and self-confidence, to create conditions that motivate parents to learn, i. so that they are self-confident and self-sufficient, feel the benefits of training, and therefore try to find ways to combine training and responsibilities (work, family interests), etc. • To create an instrument (questionnaire) and to study the change of parents' learning motivation during the learning process (at the beginning and half of the training). • Evaluate the effectiveness of measures to motivate parents to learn during training. • To apply motivational learning measures taking into account the characteristics of the participants and their level of learning motivation. • To deepen the knowledge about the variety of motivating learning methods. • To base the activity on the principles of transformational leadership, to promote the interaction of the participants, to avoid raising their personal goals above the interests of the learners, prejudice and negative emotions. • Acquire andragogical education and improve andragogical competencies.