Rectangular bladelets discovered at the Katra I settlement in the Varėna district of Lithuania: a functional analysis
Date Issued |
2013 |
This paper deals with the function of rectangular bladelets produced in experimental studies. The function of the bladelets produced experimentally was compared with that of a similar flint inventory discovered at the Katra I settlement. The experimental studies were carried out in the traceological laboratory at Klaipėda University. The functional dependence of the laboratory-produced flint blades and artefacts found at the Katra I settlement (in the Varėna district) were established with an Olympus SZX16 microscope. The experimental items were used in contact with dry reeds (Phragmites). It was established that the functions of the laboratory-produced blades and the ones discovered at the Katra I settlement coincided: most of the artefacts from the Mesolithic and Neolithic periods from the Katra I settlement were used for reed cutting.
Peržvelgus Katros 1-osios gyvenvietės archeologinę medžiagą, teko susidurti su dideliu kiekiu įvairių tipų mikrolitų. Dažnas akmens amžiaus – mezolito ar neolito laikotarpių – archeologinis paminklas turi didelį kiekį mikrolitų. Mikrolitai iki šiol tipologiškai skirstomi pagal formas, pvz., trapecijos formos, stačiakampiai, lancetai, rombo, segmento formos ir pan. Kalbant apie jų paskirtį, dažniausiai jie interpretuojami kaip strėlių, žeberklų antgalių ašmenėliai. Retai kada būna įvardyta kita jų paskirtis. [...]