Sustainability indicators and city mortality rate
Date Issued |
2008 |
Risk’s factors that could affect citizen’s health as far as indicators of sustainable development were determined. Some social, economic and environmental aspects of sustainability in Klaipeda city were introduced. Habitant’s locality, city criminal situation, drinking water quality presented as factors impacted human health and mortality rate value. High index of mortality in Klaipeda city (the third place in Lithuania) were determined in 1997- 2005 period. The possible reasons of Klaipeda city mortality rate were discussed. The dynamics of mortality in Klaipeda city during nine years was shown. Among various diseases the circulation of the blood, oncological and deaths from accidents were analysed. The circulation of the blood diseases as the main reason of mortality was defined. The composition of the total mortality by sex as 44.5 % for women and 64 % for men populations was found. The high rate of mortality index of oncological diseases was also observed. Total mortality was composed of 20 % of oncological diseases. The biggest number of deaths from accidents in the district with the biggest criminal situations was emphasized. The territorial distribution of above mention three kinds of mortality index in Klaipeda city by Geographical Information System (GIS) was shown. The average rate and separated index of mortality in different city districts in relationship with social, economic and environmental reasons were given.
Darbe nagrinėjamas pramoninio miesto gyventojų mirtingumas, parodyti kai kurie sveikatos rizikos faktoriai: aplinkos kokybė, geriamo vandens užterštumas, ekonominiai ir socialiniai darnios plėtros rodikliai. Klaipėdos miesto pavyzdžiu analizuojamas “miegamųjų” ir pramoninių rajonų gyventojų mirtingumas, kriminalinės situacijos lygio, miesto gyventojų prieinamumo prie “žaliųjų” plotų ir rekreacinių galimybių įtaka gyventojų sveikatai. Pabandyta atsakyti į klausimą,kokie aplinkosauginiai, socialiniai ir ekonominiai rodikliai gali būti reikšmingiausiais mirtingumo rodikliams mažinti.