Pacientų charakteristikų įtaka ligoninės charakteristikų vertinimui: tarpusavio sąveika ir priklausomybė
Klaipėdos universitetinė ligoninė |
Date Issued |
2019 |
Paciento charakteristikos turi sąsajų su ligoninės charakteristikų ir sveikatos priežiūros proceso vertinimu. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti pacientų charakteristikų įtaką ligoninės charakteristikų vertinimui bei jų tarpusavio priklausomybę. Atliekant tyrimą, analizuotos skirtingų šalių autorių mokslinės publikacijos, apklausti pacientai, gydęsi įvairiose Lietuvos ligoninėse. Respondentai vertino tam tikras ligoninių charakteristikas. Šiame darbe atskleista pacientų socialinių-demografinių charakteristikų įtaka ligoninės charakteristikų vertinimui. Nustatyta, kad palankiausiai respondentų vertinamos ligoninės charakteristikos (gydytojų ir slaugytojų kvalifikacija, sveikatos priežiūros kokybė ir tinkamas medikų bendravimas su pacientais) nepriklausė nuo pacientų charakteristikų.
The aim of the study is to reveal the impact of patient characteristics on hospital characteristics and their interdependence. Methods. From August to October 2018 the survey has been performed in seven hospitals of Lithuania. The study included 477 patients with health care experience in different hospitals of Lithuania. Information was collected using a special questionnaire. Analysis of statistical data was done using the software SPSS version 21. Results. Twelve characteristics which describe a hospital – 1) high qualification of doctors and nurses; 2) high health care quality and its positive outcome; 3) effective communication with patients; 4) short distance to a hospital and its convenient location; 5) new technologies in a hospital; 6) university or/and multiprofile hospital; 7) well-organized health care in a hospital; 8) no/ low extra charges; 9) no queues in a hospital, short waiting time for patients; 10) clean and tidy environment; 11) small number of adverse events; and 12) hospital’s reputation or image – were assessed by patients. The following characteristics of patients were analyzed when evaluating hospital characteristics: gender, age, employment, education, residence, income, family status. The research shows that patients’ characteristics are not significantly influenced on assessment of hospital characteristics. Conclusions. The following hospital characteristics became the top three after respondents’ evaluation: high qualification of doctors and nurses, high health care quality and its positive outcome as well as effective communication with patients. According to the answers of interviewees, three least important hospital characteristics are clean and tidy environment, small number of adverse events, and the reputation or image of a hospital; these hospitals’ characteristics are largely independent of patients’ characteristics and the existing differences are statistically insignificant.