Mūšių laukų apsaugos pradžia Lietuvoje: Pabaisko atvejis
Date Issued |
2019 |
Straipsnyje Pabaisko mūšio (1435 m. rugsėjo 1 d.) atveju tiriama mūšių vietų apsaugoje Lietuvoje sukaupta patirtis ir padaryti pasiekimai ar patirti praradimai. Šio mūšio vieta yra vienintelė Lietuvoje, aktyviai saugota nuo pat jo įrašymo į istorijos paminklų sąrašus 1969 m. Mūšio vietos teritorijos apibrėžimo bei pačios apsaugos nuo ūkinės veiklos patirtys metodine prasme yra aktualios ir šiandien, nors pats veiksmas vyko beveik prieš pusšimtį metų. Jos parodo ir vieno asmens galimybes saugant istorijos paveldą brandžiuoju tarybiniu laikotarpiu.
On the 15th of July in 1969, battle site of Pabaiskas (IR 247) wa s added to the confirmed list of historical heritage, making it the only case on the list which dates from the times of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The area in which the battle took place wa s identified from three historically recorded objects: church of Pabaiskas, lake Zirnajai and river Zirnaja (fig. 1). The battle site became threatened during the intensive growth of Soviet state farm which operated in Pabaiskas (fig. 2). In response to this, during the years 1970 and 1972, a numbe r of meetings wer e organised by committees, local and state departments. However, not only the state farm wa s not moved further away from the historical monument, but its operation was increased with exceptional rights. The area of the battle ground received its protection status in 1970, however, with the growth of the aforementioned state farm, the protected territory began being reduced. Archaeological methods wer e also employed in order to justify reduction of the protected site (boreholes in the area of upcoming construction wer e investigated in 1977). Today, the battle of Pabaiskas is half a century old and protection of its location is important through a numbe r of aspects: this is an early and a moderately productive case of an only protected battle site in Lithuania (fig. 3). The territory of protection has been established through consideration of land surface relief, wa ter bodies and road network. All this information is still valuable and used to this day. This work wa s achieved through initiative of one person, R. Batūra, w h o gathered all of the known information collected by historians wh o studied this battle. Therefore, now is the perfect time to add further information from achievements of world battle studies and archaeology, to the work which was already begun in concern to the battle of Pabaiskas.