Lietuvos jūrininkų darbo sąlygų ir psichinės sveikatos sutrikimų sąsajos
Klaipėdos jūrininkų ligoninė | ||
Date Issued |
2008 |
According to the data analysis, it was found out that about a half (53,6 percent) of seamen described their work as related to motion (much walking, lifting, carrying), one third (33,4 percent) of seamen – as sedentary (only a little bit of walking, lifting, carrying), about 7,3 percent of seamen stated that their work was hard and physical, and 5,7 percent of respondents answered that their work was mainly sedentary. 5,0 percent of seamen stated that their health was worse than a year before, 17,8 percent of seamen admitted that they experienced stress at work, 9,3 percent of seamen – that their psychical health was poor. The spread of post-traumatic stress among seamen amounted to 5,3 percent. Sense of coherence was divided into two categories – average and weak (59,4 and 24,2 percent of respondents accordingly). Depression was diagnosed to 14,3 percent of seamen that experienced stress and bullying at work, while this number amounted only to 1,6 percent in other groups that did not experience stress and bullying at work.