Verslo valdymo sistemų diegimo organizacijose problemos ir galimybės
Šimkus, Mindaugas | UAB „Telšių gelžbetonis“ |
Date Issued |
2014 |
Straipsnyje aptariamos verslo valdymo sistemų (VVS) diegimo organizacijose problemos ir galimybės. Akcentuojama, kad organizacijos veiklos sėkmę lemia ne vien geros pirkimo ir pardavimo kainos, kaštų taupymas, bet ir tokie veiklos efektyvumo rodikliai kaip darbo našumas bei su tuo susiję veiksniai: atsargų apyvartumas sandėlyje, pirkėjų užsakymų įvykdymo terminai, pirkėjų, tiekėjų skolų apyvartumas, projektų įvykdymas laiku ir t. t. Straipsnio tikslas, įvertinus VVS diegimo procesą organizacijose, nustatyti pagrindines problemas ir numatyti diegimo tobulinimo galimybes. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama, kodėl net 59 proc. VVS diegimo projektų viršijo planuotus biudžetus, 53 proc. planuotą trukmę, o 56 proc. organizacijų gavo mažiau nei 50 proc. apčiuopiamos naudos įdiegus verslo valdymo sistemą.
This article discusses the problems and opportunities of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation in organizations. It is emphasized that success of an organization‘s activities is determined not solely by good purchasing and selling prices and economization of expenses, but also by such efficiency indicators as work productivity and related aspects: inventory turnover in the warehouse, buyers‘ orders implementation terms, turnover of buyer’s and suppliers‘ credit, timely project implementation, etc. It has been noted that ERP is a software aimed at integration of an organization‘s management, capable of including all of the business processes and ensuring high management efficiency. Increasing global competition, globalization of the markets and the beginning of the world economic decline forced research into new ways of maintaining stability and growth of businesses. Nowadays, when business circumstances change so rapidly, companies must permanently increase their competitive advantage. In order to efficiently plan and coordinate a company’s activities, take optimal decisions and actively react to changes in the market, it is essential to for companies to manage their own intellectual property – information. It is necessary to actively communicate with the clients more and to offer the required products and services as soon as possible. This demands integration of business processes into a common unit. Within the rapidly changing business world, new trends are... [to full text]