Įmonių socialinės atsakomybės įtaka žmogiškųjų išteklių konkurencingumui
Date Issued | Issue | Start Page | End Page |
2008 | Nr. 13 | 526 | 531 |
Socialinės atsakomybės realizavimo procese būtina įtraukti visus darbuotojus, be to, deklaruojamos organizacijos vertybės turi būtų jiems suprantamos ir priimtinos. Savo ruožtu jos privalo būti adekvačios visuomenėje dominuojančioms vertybinėms nuostatoms. Tik tuomet įmonių socialinė atsakomybė neprieštarauja išorinių suinteresuotųjų grupių siekiams ir tampa veiksmingu instrumentu verslo konkurencinėse varžybose.
When trying to convert the social responsibility declarations into realistic competitive advantages of the company, the managers’ initiative is not enough. The main problem is that more often corporate social responsibility programs are declarative; however they are not a part of most important values of the personnel. The whole of human capital involves not only the competence of the employees, but also their value’s scale, obligations to their company as well as their devotion to it when trying to reach the goals. Corporate social responsibility towards the employees stimulates their responsibility at the same time it increases the competitive advantages which are vitally important. In the process of social responsibility implementation, it is essential to implicate all employees, the declared organization values have to be understandable and acceptable to them. In turn, those values have to be adequate towards the dominant value attitudes in the society. Only in this case, corporate social responsibility does not contradict the objectives of external interested groups and become an efficient instrument in the contest of business competitiveness. The majority of skeptics do not trust the manifestations of social responsibility and public spirit that are publicly demonstrated by the companies and they think that those are only hidden actions of public relations. Deeper reasons of this critical attitude towards the diffusion of company’s goals as well as degradation of profit motive significance lies in the paradigm of neoclassical economical theory. However, during the last decades the neoclassical model of firm also experienced transformations, where the newest approaches justify the social responsibility costs as a necessary investment which directly correlates with positive financial indicators of the company.