Archeologinio paveldo apsauga Lietuvoje 1919-1990 m
Date Issued |
2022 |
Archeologinio paveldo apsaugos sąvoka yra plati, iki šiol nesulaukusi išsamesnių tyrimų. Pirmą kartą straipsnyje aptariama archeologinio paveldo apsaugos raida nuo jos pradžios 1919 m. iki Nepriklausomybės atkūrimo. Būdama sudėtine visos paveldosaugos dalimi, archeologinio paveldo apsauga atskirais raidos etapais išsiskyrė savo pasiekimais ir aprėptimi. Per nagrinėjamus septynis dešimtmečius užfiksuoti du ryškūs ir greiti jos raidos etapai: 1934–1936 m. ir nuo 1967 m. iki maždaug 9-ojo dešimtmečio vidurio. Pirmasis raidos etapas deramo tęstinumo neįgavo, antrasis padėjo pagrindus šiuolaikinei archeologinio paveldo apsaugai Lietuvoje.
The concept of archaeological heritage protection is a broad one, and has not been the subject of much research. This article discusses for the first time the development of archaeological heritage protection, from its inception in 1919 to the restoration of Lithuania’s independence. The protection of the archaeological heritage is distinguished as an integral part of general heritage protection by its achievements and coverage at different stages in its development. During the seven decades under review, two distinct and rapid phases in its development have been recorded: from 1934 to 1936, and from 1967 to the mid-1990s. The first phase of its development did not achieve proper continuity, while the second phase laid the foundations for the modern protection of the archaeological heritage in Lithuania.